On-page Seo Is Important To Website Seo

I’m going to list out the area for on-page SEO which forms an important part of website SEO. It is important because if on-page SEO is not done well, no matter how much effort you make for your off-page link building, it will not make much significance to your website SEO.

SEO-Friendly URL to be Use on Every Page

The first 3 to 5 words in the URL are important for your page SEO. Try to make it as short as possible too. As you are adding this URL, be sure to include your keyword in there.

Keywords to be at the Beginning

Your title is the most important part of on-page optimization. If your keyword is nearer to the beginning of the title tag, it is more optimized for search engine than if its further away.

Using Modifiers in Your Title

Using modifiers like best web design, awesome, review, and recommended can get your site rank for long tail versions of your targeted keyword.

Ensure Blog Post Title Is Using H1 Tag

The H1 tag is your headline tag. Most content management in website will naturally put the H1 tag to your blog post title. So, it is usually done for you. Just in case some themes don’t do that, you ought to check to make sure. You can see if it is correctly tag by checking the website codes.

Have Video or Quiz in Your Website

Having some rich media in website can engage your site visitors more. This will lower the bounce rate and increase time of your visitor on the website. One of the example is having a video which visitor can play. Another example is to have a quiz to interest visitor who is trying to find out something. This will make the visitor stay longer. When they try to exit the website, you can set up a pop out light box to counter offer them. The offer will redirect them to another page, which will also increase time spent on your site.

– Use H2 Tags on Your Web Page

– Add your keywords in the H2 tag which you want to target.

– Have Your Keyword in the 1st 100 Words

Your web page keyword should be found in the first 100-150 words of your content.

Make your Website Mobile Responsive

As more are using mobile, it is important to make your website mobile responsive. In addition, Google is putting website that are not mobile friendly into penalty. This will make website very difficult to rank.

Use Outbound Links

Linking your content to another website will also tell search engine what your website is talking about. It makes your website relevant and with content that will be related to the one you are linking to. Make sure this site you are linking to is one that is of high quality and authority. One example will be linking to a Wikipedia.

Use Internal Links

Internal linking is a must to bring up the authority of your inner pages. The one which has the most inner linking will get higher authority too. Internal linking will help search engine sees that your site is well referenced. 2 to 3 internal linking per page to older post will do you good.

If you site takes more than 4 seconds to load its bad. You can use CDN like Cloudflare to help you speed up. You can also use compression plugins for images and use a faster hosting to increase the site’s speed. Google will take page speed as ranking factor.

Spread LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are synonyms that Google utilized to check a pages relevancy or quality. It is good to spread these LSI keywords around your site.

If you just look at your website, you will probably find some more you can possibly do. Each website has its area of improvement. Hire an SEO consultant to look will be your best bet.

Posted in SEO